Saturday, March 31, 2012

Week One - Water with Lemon

Lemon has many healing and cleansing properties. It is also very alkalinizing in the body.

My first step will be to drink lemon water all through the day. I already drink the recommended 64+ ounces of (purified) water. Now I will take it up a notch by adding (organic) lemon. First thing each morning will be a warm glass of lemon water. Then continuing that through the day.

I have done this in the past and have experienced cleansing reactions after just a few days. But I hadn't really intended to make it a habit, I just had lemons I wanted to use. This time, it is something I intend to keep up.
This is where I will plan, track, and record my weekly attempts at good health. I have lots of ideas - things I want to implement. It's too much to try to do all at once. So, here is where I can give myself the time and space needed to get it going